Friday, December 14, 2007


Serius neh, uda hampir sebulanan gw keknya berhalusinasi. Jangan mikirin yang serem serem dulu ye, halusinasinya bukan model2 misteri kek wewe gembel ato kuntilanak's work related...AAAAAARRRGH. U noe that they gave me Blackberry (BB) for almost 2.5 years? Dan itu bener bener addictive. Gw bukan satu2nya org, coba googling blackberry addict pasti nemu banyak artikel. 24 jam sehari org bisa deket terus ma BB nya. 24 hours e-mail, internet, instant messanging, they're all addictive (my boss is currently taking her personal leave in Hongkong and she still answering e-mails). Btw, banyak kasus BB addict, tapi sampe halusinasi?!? Bayangin, kuping gw sekarang suka "merasa" mendengar bunyi ring tone BB gw yg gw set standard ringer low volume, padahal BB gw ga bunyi (even now I'm hearing it even thou I'm currently starring at my BB writing this). Dan ga cuma sampe disitu, BB suka gw clip dipinggang, dan kalo diclip, dia otomatis masuk vibrate mode, and now.....pinggang gw suka "serasa" bergeter (okay don't laugh....I'm warning you...stop it...and the grin too). Gw kek serasa gila work has occupied my mind...ato malah alam bawah sadar gw?!?!
Sent from my wireless CrackBerry Device

Friday, December 07, 2007

Fuji S6500 fd REVIEW

As I promised 10 minutes ago, here's my review on this camera.
Beli camera ini di BEC, harga mayan murah, 2.9 juta (No XD-card and batteries) street price masi bekisar 3.8-4.5 jt jadi pilih2 toko aja karena harga sebenarnya uda turun ke 3jt, got it on last Saturday. 1st impressions was, "this thing really looks like a pro" hehehe...yang pasti dah kek kamera beneran, beratnya pun setelah pasang batre pas bgt, ga terlalu ringan dan ga terlalu berat.

What I Like :
- Barrel Twist zoom and focus : lebih cepet daripada pake pencet2 tombol
- Manual features : compared it with D40 (not X) dan tweak menunya ga jauh
- Face Detection : This is the best...bisa detect sembilan wajah sekaligus buat bantu focusing
- ISO performance : Ini sebenarnya alasan utama pilih s6500fd, superb performance up to ISO 800 (3200 max), 100-400 bener bener ga ada noise, 800 ada noise dikit bgt, masih bisa di handle photoshop, diatas 1600-3200 baru kerasa bgt.
- Preset mode : gw hampir jadi pemalas pake kamera ini, hampir semua kebutuhan uda ada preset modenya, dan hasilnya uda maksimal, gw jarang bgt pake manualnya kecuali pengen fine tune...bener2 bikin males belajar...hehehe

What I dun like :
- Zoom nya kurang jauh...heheh...walopun 10.7x tu dah cukup gede (28-300mm lens)
- Ga ada hot shoe buat external flash, yang S9000fd ada, tapi sayang ga ada di indo
- White balancenya terbatas banget, coolpix 4300 gw aja jauh lebih banyak

Kesimpulan :
Good camera with lots of manual features, cocok buat amatir yang baru belajar fotografi karena feature sama dengan DSLR, tapi tetep ga bisa ngegantiin DSLR begitu sudah bermain lensa (S6500fd itu fixed lens ga bisa di ganti...but look at the bright side, ga perlu repot2 ngerbersihin dari debu :p ). Hasil foto bila dibanding seri powershot (S3 IS dan S5 IS) masih jauh lebih bagus, karena powershot memakai plat sensor dengan ukuran kecil (layaknya kamera compact) hanya 1/2.5". Begitu sudah mahir maen2 sama fuji S6500fd, bisa berpikir pindah ke DSLR dan langsung pakai umur shutternya dengan maksimal (sayang kan kalo dipake belajar, pas jago dah abis umurnya..hehe).

Salah satu hasil foto portrait of my wife, we're expecting our 1st child next month, one of the reason I bought a new digicam. Ini hasil 6M Fine (3:2 ratio), belum ada re-touch sama sekali. ISO 100, 1/220 sec, F/4.1, at 39mm F-lenght, without flash, spot metering.

Full review dari klik disini

Sholat yu!!

Mencoba menjadi Kemaltaba Grey (refer to Noah Grey ) hehehe....Namanya juga belajar berfoto dengan baik dan benar...jadi peniru dulu, asal bukan plagiat.The shot was actually taken by my big brother while I was explaining to him how to use the camera. I don't have filters yet, only UV, coz they cost a fortune so I use photoshop instead...keuntungan hidup di jaman digital...hehe pake Fuji S6500fd, many people look down on this camera just because it's not an SLR or PRO cam...but NOT PRO-Photographer...surprisingly...they're quite surprised of this camera (try googling for reviews) juga mo ngebuat reviewnya siy...tapi bingung, dari newbie apa bisa di percaya?!?!?

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Sandwich + salad for Lunch

Here I am, attending Intenational workshop in KLCC, and this very moment I'm starring at my precious lunch...Sandwich and Salad plus fruit pudding and a bottle of water. Are they serious?!?!? I paid good money for this workshop and wat do I get?!?! stupid lunch and some knowledge plus certificate?!? Well, knowledge is priceless, I noe, but still.....I WANT MY LUNCHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! I had better breakfast this morning at starbucks, sandwich too, but better, with earl gray tea and good company...sigh...watever, I'm starving so I might just start eating this stuffs
Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Device

Friday, November 23, 2007

You gotte be kidding me?

Just 15 mnts ago I recieved a letter, inside are 5 packs of condoms from one of the biggest comdomizer there is...and also a course.
The letter said "Congratz, you are one of the chosen 100 condom testers from many applicants"...and I actually burst into tears....laughing sooooo hard. I dunno why they pick me coz I was just answering to an ad that my friend gave me, and never cross my mind that they'd choose me.

Well, I'm the official tester now....hmmm I like the word "official", somehow its empowering me...does this mean I got a License to F***?!?
let see...wat this 5 rubber thingy can do....hmmmmm

Warung Mak Eha in BW Panoramic

Ternyata buat panoramic foto ga pake proper tools susah juga ya?!?! masih hunting fish eye lens tapi belum nemu yang tipe nya pas...pas ama kantong maksud gw heheh....Ini retouch photoshop pake 2 foto yang gw ambil sambil nyandar di tembok...yeap...lucu kalo gw bawa2 tripod ke dalam pasar (secara tripod pun lom beli). Kesalahan gw disini selaen ga pake tripod juga lupa nge-lock exposure level antara foto pertama dan kedua, akhirnya dua foto ini beda exposure cahayanya, walo dengan photoshop bisa dikoreksi dikit tapi tetep aja masi keliatan garis batas antara 2 foto.

Foto 1 kanan : Shutter Speed 1/30; F/2,8
Foto 2 Kiri : Shutter Speed 1/10; F/2,8

Agak susah ternyata bikin panoramic dalam ruangan, beda kalo di outdoor dimana level cahaya stabil.

Review lengkap tentang Waroeng Nasi Mak Eha visit Blog Jajan di Bandung

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Jajan di Bandung : Re-open for bussiness

Setelah setahun lebih kehilangan access (baca : username dan password) akhirnya blog pertama gw berhasil diselamatkan, ga disangka peminatnya banyak juga dan udah masuk halaman pertama di google searh (urutan 3...yeaaaaaaaaa!!! ehm). Sekarang harus cari bahan lagi buat dimasukin, sayang banget selama setahun vacuum gw dah makan di banyak tempat (keliatan dari berat gw yang dah balik dari 75 ke 83 kg....yeaaaaaaa!!! again).

This is the link to my blog Jajan di Bandung

Sudut Nyaman

This small comfy corner in a hospital room is my space to do almost anything: browsing, chatting, playing games in my NDS or even experimenting with my old coolpix camera while my dad is recovering from his CAPD (Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis) surgery.

(Camera : Nikon E4300; Metering : AF Spot; Shutter : 1/8; Aperture : F2.8; ISO : 400; White Balance : Cloudy -3; f8.0mm; No retouch)

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Sushi Academy

Hueheheh....setelah sekian lama menahan diri, akhirnya ga kuat juga buat bikin sushi sendiri...semua bahan bahan di beli di Setiabudhi supermarket. Karena masih pemula jadi cm buat Nigiri ma Maki (plus sashimi kali sisa salmonnya...hehe). Ada temen gw yg sama sekali lom pernah makan sushi, so I invited him over...walo dia sempet nanya,
"Yang buat sushinya sapa?"
"Ya gw lah, dodol, kan dah gw bilang gw bikin sushi ntar"
"Ouwh...", ga tau dia bilang ouw ato ouch....hehehe
dan akhirnya dia dateng, dia makan, and he hated sushi...hihihi
btw...more sushi to be prepared

Saturday, August 04, 2007

The Mind Gym - Impact

Hasil dari TheMindGym , lucunya sama persis sama hasil evaluasi boss gw ke gw...hihihi...artinya boss gw jago nilai orang

You are an Adapter

As your scores are a mix of Carer (38.0) , Professional (30.0) and Driver (32.0) you are an Adapter.

Adapters are people who are a combination of each of the other three styles. You see the merits in focusing on people, on getting things done and on quality. You value flexibility and taking a balanced approach to any situation.

You can often take the role of peacekeeper in a disagreement as you quickly see and empathise with each of the different perspectives.

Adapters like to adapt, experiment, be open to change, make sure bases are covered and options considered. You sometimes feel pulled in many directions by their different motivations. Stuck with a problem! I?ll work out a way to find a solution, is your natural response

* At your best: flexible, adaptable, collaborative, mediator, jack of all trades
* At your worst: weak, political, all-pleasing, conviction-less, master of none
* What you hate: people who are stuck in their ways; obstinacy; extreme behaviours
* The perfect person if . . . you want to manage all possible eventualities.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

My Day

This concludes my day....

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Save Ass

Something u sudnt do!!!!

Braindead Festival

Must have been a real knock in the head, gw dateng ke kantor dg rambut acak2an lupa nyisir. Ga pernah kejadian seumur-umur. Untung yg liat cuma tukang parkir, bbrp supir, satpam...krn gw lsg ke kamar mandi, basahin rambut dikit dan nyisir ala tarzan pake's braindead festival...caused by a bunch of idiotics morons.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Man, Soccer and Beers

"Cowo tu harus suka bola, kalo cowo ga suka bola brarti aneh", tats what my friend (a she) told me when we had a conversation a couple of weeks ago. Dan ga cuma dia, gw rasa banyak yg masih punya anggapan klise seperti itu. Kasian bgt kalo gw pikir, pemikiran klise yg dibentuk sejak ratusan tahun yg lalu....Well HEYYYY....reality check guys, we're living in 2007, 21st century where soccer is not the only sport arround. I my self is a race addict (cars only), I love nascars, WRC, WTCC, DTM and offcourse, F1 grand prix, those are 21st century sports where man and machines combined. Yet....many thinks if I dun dig soccer...I'm not man enough?!?!?! Ada yg argumen kalo balapan sih cm gitu2 aja, bosen, gian, ga macho gimana?!? Driving in 300kmh and enduring 3x G-force for an hour is not macho?!? Even an F-16 pilots can only endure those kind of G-force in 15mnts max in a dogfight. It's just a matter of choice, I chose 21st century, Hi adrenaline and Hi speed sport rather than a century old soccer game, I chose to learn how to put my car in slipstream and slingshot forward rather than how to shake the ball, it's my choice and I think it's a choice to be respected.
Another example is today, I had a conv with my best friend, she told me that one of her kolig won't drink even when they were all out all nite drinking. She said, wats the point of hanging out with friends who drinks when he's not even drinks beer?!? I said, he chose to be with his friend, sharing the good times, without boost, wats wrong with it? It's his choice, he values the good companies, not the beers. I used to hang out with junkies....but I don't do drugs, they are loyal and good friends, I like them and they don't even bother when I do Vitamin C and not the "pills".
It's 21st century when all the options are available, people are free to make their choice and sud be respected.
Bukannya "perbedaan" yang makes life more interesting?

Thursday, July 12, 2007

U2 moment

It was close to midnight...the street of Jakarta was beautiful, after having a long tiring
day...and tyres day (see prev post)...dealing with crapy client...the
song STAY by U2 gives a sooting sensation, played it over and over and
over till I reached home...thanks god I closed the day with great
food, great companions, and superb song...yeah...I'm having my U2

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Double Flat Tyres?!?

Huh!?!? Cud it be worse?!? Pas didepan TVRI ban belakang kiri gw mengeluarkan bunyi2 aneh, darn....I got flat one!!! Gw paksain mpe turun jembatan dikit biar agak landai, parked my car dan untungnya ada tukang ban deket situ, dia bantuin ganti ben serep gw. Gw sempet kepikiran skalian aja tambal bannya tp krn gw males nunggu ya gw langsung cabut, ga sampe 2 km dari tempat itu....I got another flat...dan itu ban serepnya.....MY GOD!!!!!!!! Wat the hell is wrong with my tyre?!?! Double flat in less than 15 mnts?!?! Tats gotta be a record....paling bete pas gw telp perusahan leasing gw, dia punya service emergency 24 jam, tp dengan berbagai alasan dia ga mo bantu, dia bilang kalo ban bocor bukan emergency, pelanggan harus bisa atasi sendiri, won't be an emergency if I still have spare tyre....akhirnya dia mau kirim ban serep, tapi dengan catatan mohon nunggu dan bisa ga cari angkot terus cari tukang tambal ban?!?! Gw jawab, "bisa ga tau saya bicara dengan siapa supaya saya bisa tulis email resmi ke perusahaan bapak bagaimana servise OR*X ke saya?" Akhirnya tanpa ba bi bu lagi dia janji jalan secepatnya.....tapi....dah sejam nih, kok blom nongol juga mereka?!?!

Saturday, July 07, 2007


They're cute eh?
Yeap those little cars might not transformed into hitech robot but they might turn into something else someday. Here's the thing, my company has been giving out this cars as a symbolic of Engine of Growth, it's the thing to recognize your achievement or "good deeds" in the company. Ntar tiap 6 bln diadain lelang, these cars will act as the "money", so the more u have, the richer u are, and the bigger ur chance to win the bid. Yang di lelang dari happy "dugem" hours ampe grand prize nya seperti I heard that...but there's a catch...sigh, kalo lo menang bid grand prize, u get to choose between three envelops, one of them is the grand prize, others? well...still worthed tapi ga semahal grand prize. I won last years grand prize, black iPod Nano 8gigs....SOLD...wakakak....i dun like iPod anyway....hihihihi...wonder what next grand prize is?!?!? hmmmm....triple the sallary?!?!? hihihihi

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Broadband Develops

Internet...dulu cuma mimpi punya internet pribadi dirumah...hell I didn't even noe how to use IRC back in Highschool, now look at me, I can't even live a day without internet...and I need it to be broadband...sigh...manusia, ga pernah puas. So here's how my broadband develops

say hello to home internet, inget temen gw yg namanya Aip punya internet di rumah, kalo ga salah dia pake salah satu ISP lokal di bandung. Waktu lebaran dia pulang kampung ke Prembun (di jawa tengah), trus dia minjemin modemnya sama user/password ISPnya, masih ada sisa dari paket 30jam/bln. kecepatan kurang dari 64kbps/8kBps tapi gw dah hepi banget.
ProNet hadir di bandung, masih dialup 63kpbs, paket 45rb u/ 10 jam internet...soalnya masih memperhitungkan pulsa telpon rumah....10 jam?!?!? yeah sure
back to ProNet, this time with unlimited package 82rb/month...hell yeah...disaster for my phone bill.
Internet go mobile...yahoooooooooooooo....I got my N-Gage and a GPRS connection, masi mahal sih, tapi mayan bisa chat di YM pake agile trus cek friendster. waktu itu 30rp/KB
Blackberry era has come, I got my first blackberry handheld with 24-7 internet connection, not free thou, but wat the hell, the company paid all the bills anyway...hihihi
Sobat gw di singapore bener2 nyebelin...she always brag about how fast her connection was, how cheap it was dan betapa dia hobi donlod film dari gw ga tahan dan pake bowk, keren...330rb/750Megs trus nambah jadi 1 gig, tapi masa kejayaan speedy ga berlangsung lama...kecepatan makin turun sampe kadang dibawah dialup
So long speedy...I'm moving to XL-Centrin unlimited 300rb/bln. cuma dapet 100kbps sih, tapi mayan dibanding dialup and it's mobile....hmmm...cuma sebulan dan gw ga puas...hihihi...back to broadband again...but WIRELESS...thanks to telkomsel flash now I have 3.2Mbps for 40hours/month with only 200k to pay...but...I'm still thinkin about that unlimited package from myGPRS...hmmm...we'll c

hihihi...memang panjang perjuangan gw buat konek ke internet

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Monday, June 25, 2007

Roaming Bro?

Gw punya kebiasaan, jelek mungkin, untuk menirukan dialek orang yg sedang gw ajak bicara. It comes naturally as I always find it hard to resist. Dimana aja gw berada ato sama siapapun, dialek jawa kalo ngomong ma org jawa, dialek batak kalo ama orang batak ato gi di terminal/pasar (wakakak), I talk Sing-glish when I'm in spore/malay, dan yang paling parah.....bahasa indonesia pun bisa jadi logat bule kagok kalo gi ngomong ma bule/org asing yang bisa bahasa indonesia tapi masi kagok logatnya. kalo gw perhatiin, banyak temen2 gw juga sama, suka pindah logat tergantung sapa lawan bicaranya...hihihi...Roaming ya bro?

Sunday, June 24, 2007

MASMIA - Reviewed

Stephen Chow goes Indonesia...yes...that is exactly wat this movie feels. Without good story line and hardly any moral comes from this movie, only "Lie wont get you anywhere but trouble". But its a comedy, the main purpose is to make people laugh....and I must say it serves it purpose very well. I don't give a damn how bad the rating is, and how awful the critics are, I mean, they're using the wrong measurement, they're rating comedy based on story..?!?!?!?...its like measuring racing car by its beauty...not its speed or torque. This movie is worth your money, I'm getting the dvd when its available. There are two scenes that really made me laugh sooooo hard and soooooo long, I dont wanna become a spoiler but I'll give you a hint "Fire" and "Horas" gotta watch the movie to find out which scene.
watch the preview here

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Impulsive Buying : very-very dangerous!!!!!

How many time you have a sudden urge to buy something,? just because it's there in front of you and you squeeze your brain to find a reason why you need it? And when you can't find it you ensure your self that you will need it somehow and end up making impulsive purchase? Gw yakin sekali seumur hidup pasti ada (ato berkalii-kali?!?). Biasanya gara2 kita ngeliat satu item yg harganya turun atau barang yang unik yg sulit dicari. Semalem (but I didn't buy it....thx God) gw ke ambas, like always, parked my car at ITC dan nyebrang lewat jembatan sambung yg banyak penjual handphone. Ga tau kenapa gw iseng (padahal emang sering gitu) nanya2 harga w950i bekas, masi garansi resmi mpe april 08, harga ngasi 2.5 belum ditawar. HAH?!?!?! SERIUS?!?!? Kan harga baru 3.5, baru dipake 2bln plg jatuh 3.2 lah. Gw curiga ada yg aneh, ternyata dia blg dia dapet murah gara2 awalnya kekunci. Gw terima alesannya tp masih mikir, gw puter2 dan ternyata rata2 kondisi sama masi diatas 3. I decided to buy it. Lagi jalan ke toko yg tadi, ada ide buat pura2 jual w950i (padahal ga punya) buat nawar O2 sync. Guess wat...dia cm mo nerima 1.6 juta buat my invisible w950i. Shocked dong, gw nanya napa ternyata dia bilang tadi sore SE ngedarin price list baru, w950i dari 3.5jt free fall ke 2.5, dan masi banyak toko jual di 3.5, biasa cari untung gede, ga bilang ke customer. Trus gw tanya SE dia belagak pilon, wajarlah, to protect retailers, I wud do the same. Pnasaran gw probing ke 4 toko laen dan gw tembak gw dapet info uda turun, akhirnya mereka kasi harga 2.5juta, 2.435 modal mereka. Bused....ampir gw ketipu...tapi tep aja itu dah mo ke atm ambil duit buat beli, thx god my wife called and I stupidly told her I was going to buy w950i cos this and noe the rest....tipikal nasib para suami....hihihi
Anyway, think twice before making impulsive purchase or go arround the block to cool off and maybe you forgot about it. And for music lovers and touch screen's time to dig w950i.......hohoho.....unless u have a wife

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Begundal Lanang Jahanam

Had a conversation with my buddy just now, and he's using Mobile YM in his Blackberry phone that is tends to locks up if recievin too much data from YM. So I did, as my instinct told me, I bombard him with a lot of text, I copied-pasted a word document and was trying to "kill" his BB, and suddenly he answered me with, "BEGUNDAL LANANG JAHANAM....jangan sok2 copy paste ya". I laughed hard, I mean, it's been ages since I heard that line, back when I was in Surabaya it's a common words, like Jancok (althou no one knows wat it means)....hihihi...somehow I miss those words. Tinggal cari ke sapa mo gw lemparin kata2nya...wakakak

Monday, June 11, 2007

Who cares?

Just another corner

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Sushi Fools

ini buat yang sering ato yang mau makan sushi, gw dari dulu dah curiga ini kalo makan sushi pasti ada etiketnya, dari urutan pesenan sampe cara makan. Untungnya gw selama ini suka makannya di resto sushi yang franchise gitu, jadi ga seberapa malu-maluin kalo salah...hihihii...
Ada banyak site di internet tentang etiket makan sushi, dan semua rata2 ngalamin hal yg sama ma gw, yaitu bingung musti pesen apa dan cara makannya. Dibawah gw tulis rangkuman singkat dari smua site yg gw temuin ya, moga2 bermanfaat:

Sushi itu dulunya adalah makanan istimewa, biasa dimakan oleh para samurai jepang saat perang, kokinya dinamain Itamae. Kalo ngomong samurai pasti ga jauh2 dari adat yang kental. Jaman dulu para samurai sangat hormat pada Itamae, karena mereka sangat menghormati orang yang mengisi perut mereka tiap hari.
Ada empat macam sushi yang basic dan cara makannya,
Sashimi (potongan ikan mentah), biasa dipesan sebagai pembuka, bole pake sumpit ato tangan, campurin kecap asin sama sedikit wasabi di ujung piring kecil, celupin dikit aja ke wasabinya.
Nigiri (nasi pake ikan mentah diatasnya), kalo pake tangan pegang bagian ikan pake jempol dan bagian bawah nasi pake telunjuk, biasanya uda ada wasabi antara ikan dan nasi, jadi jangan nambah terlalu banyak, bisa dianggap penghinaan pada itamae, colek kecap dikit di bagian ikan jangan bagian nasi, makan sekali suap dengan ikan menghadap bawah dan menempel ke lidah, feel the texture.
Makisushi (nasi gulung pake isi dibungkus nori), cara makan sama seperti nigiri, sekali suap aja, jangan mpe malu-maluin pake makan setengah terus kita sibuk ngumpulin pecahan nasinya di piring.
Temaki (seperti ice cone pake nori), nah yang ini mpe sekarang gw ga nemu cara makannya, gw sih pake tangan terus makan dari ujung cone bawahnya....hihihi...ada yang tau?

terus kalo lama nunggu pesenan, mending ambil rebus kacang usa sok di campur wasabi makan kacangnya...hehe...ada satu lagi yaitu acar jahe (weksss) dulu gw ga ngerti buat apa, ternyata itu buat nge-"reset" lidah lo supaya rasa ga campur aduk. Jadi tiap lo ganti tipe sushi ato jenis ikannya, mending makan dulu acar ini selembar (sumpah aneh bgt rasanya). Itu aja, satu lagi kalo emang lo makan di sushi bar beneran ama real japs yg kokinya, better baca2 dulu di internet etiketnya...

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Hi there embrio!!!

Hi there little've been there for almost 3 weeks and u didn't tell me?!?!?
even when I came knocking on your door several times?!?! well, I guess you were too bussy moving into your new place, well take your time honey, you got 9 months to prep, make sure u buzz yer mom before coming out, she'd freak out if you cought her unprepared...hihi...kay little dude, c u soon

Monday, May 21, 2007

The most talked about Day in history

Is it new year?
Is it someone's birthday or death?
Is it Independence day?
Is it lebaran or xmas?
Mama Oscar Nano Delta Alpha Yankee!!!'s the most talked about day in mankind history, why?!?! Coz people always whine about monday, monday is horrible, monday is doom, monday we get to face the real world which is not pretty....and so the list goes on, mostly negative. Just today I woke up and saw the status of my friends in YM, they are all complaining about monday...hihihi...and so I did too.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Heroes Season 2

Ini beberapa wish list gw buat finishing heroes season 1 and start up of season 2

1. Ando yg kt kira adalah orang normal tiba2 punya kekuatan saat mo nyelametin Hiro, tapi terus mati, jadi sekali keluar power trus mati....kasian d

2. Ada musuh baru yg super sakti terus sylar akhirnya gabung ma peter, kan intinya sylar ga mau bunuh orang(inget ep 22?), cm org2 yg punya kekuatan aja, jadi seperti bejita ama goku hehehe

Nah kalo ini dari forum ttg heroes :

Site user james directed us to this video on YouTube where Molly Walker, the little girl who can "find" Heroes by thinking about them, informs Matt Parkman, Mohinder, and Bennet that while Sylar (the bogeyman) is bad, there are in fact someone much worst than Sylar out there, and he can see her. I believe this clip is from the season finale next week, so it could possibly be setting up the Season 2 villain. If that's the case, then one gets the feeling Sylar won't survive Season 1…  

Hmmmmmm.....heroes makin seru aja....btw, ada yg bilang gw mirip Matt Parkman loh.....hueheheh

Friday, May 18, 2007


Gila, jam segini lom nyampe jg kretanya?!? Harusnya jam satu dah sampe tapi skrg jam 3 sore?!?! jg ga jelas dah sampe mana, baru lewat stasiun yg namanya SENTOLO.....dasar sontoloyo.....sigh

Off to Jogja

Jam 06.45 AM, uda duduk di Argowilis menuju Jojga, my last trip to jogja last week was cancelled due to malfunction of the airplane flaps. Sekarang saat smua orang pada libur gw harus berangkat ke jogja....hiks....tapi untungnya lilie mau nemenin, jadi anggap aja liburan sambil kerja....ayo smangaaaaaaaaaaattttttt....

Monday, May 14, 2007

Satisfaction = Expectation

Just like the tittle said, satisfaction is equal to expection. Lucu juga kejadian akhir2 ini had lead me to this conclusion. Yang bisa muasin seseorang itu benernya ada di otak dia sendiri, dan itu adalah ekspektasi. Kalo ada istilah "happiness is in our self" gw bilang itu well said. Semakin tinggi ekspektasi lo, semakin susah lo terpuaskan, tapi ekspektasi itu yg drive kita buat achieve something, buat kita maju. Gw ada bbrp kasus yg kejadian baru2 aja :

*Gw baru upgrade pc, mayan powerfull lah, trus pas gw maen game gw pengennya pake full detail, ya terang aja megap2 pc gw, secara itu game kluaran 2007 yg spec nya tinggi, trus gw jadi rada kecewa, padahal kalo dibanding spec pc lama gw......juauuuuhhhh banget bagusnya yg sekarang, the problem is I set my expectation to high.

*Minggu gw kluar ma lili ke lembang, dia pengen makan sate kelinci di satu tempat yg terkenal, sampe disana ternyata dah abis, akhirnya drpd ga jadi kita makan di tempat laen, yg lebih kecil dan sepi. To my surprise ternyata satenya lbh enak dan lebih murah, tapi lili tetep ga puas, dia bilang ga sama rasanya ma yg di tempat "itu". The problem is ini ga sesuai ekspektasi lili ke lembang makan sate kelinci di tempat "itu" sampai ga mau nerima the fact bahwa ada yg lebih baik.

* di kerjaan, taun ini emang berat bgt dan tantangannya bisa bikin org gila. Tapi dibulan yg sama taun lalu gw ngadepin masalah sama, even worse maybe. Saat itu gw smangat bgt dan bilang ke diri gw ma team mate gw kalo we can do this, and we did, we had a great year. Dan waktu itu gw ngerasa kalo gw give my best maka th depan (which is this year) ga kan seberat saat itu. ini berat juga dan ekspektasi gw tu th ini gw bisa lebih santai, padahal kalo gw punya spirit kek th lalu keknya ga masalah. Gw sadar waktu gw curhat ma teammate gw dia bilang "I didn't noe u are this depressed?!? I tot u are all fired up and tats wats keep me going all this time, because u make me belief we can do this?!?", gw sadar bahwa gw uda kebawa virus "mengeluh" typical indonesian worker (itu istilah sobat gw...hihi), jadi gara2 th ini tdk sesuai ekpektasi gw maka gw ga bahagia?!?

So, happiness is equal to how we satisfied our expectation, and we need to set our expectation to achieve something in our lives. U need to find the right combination betwen satisfaction and expectation.....well, I noe one thing for sure.....u didn't expect to see such a serious and long post here in my blog.....hihihi....sorry

Friday, May 11, 2007

GA 430 to Jogja

Got delayed tripple times, pertama dari jam 09.35 ke jam 10.00. Kedua dah masuk di pesawat terus di cockpit rusuh ga tau napa dan kita smua disuru keluar lagi but to leave our belonging onboard. Ketiga setelah nunggu 15 mnt di ruang tunggu akhirnya masuk pesawat lagi, sempet nunggu another 30mnts dalam keadaan mesin pswt mati and no air conditioning akhirnya pesawat taxing ke take off runway, uda diujung runway tiba-tiba pesawat muter balik ke ramp, dan for the third times we were asked to leave the airplane, now with our belonging. Akhirnya my boss called me and she asked me to cancel my trip and so I did, dan sekarang gw lagi cengok nungguin koper gw yg musti diturunin dari pesawat, made few phone calls to cancel my appointment. Gw bukannya mo jadi superstisi or something tapi mang dari kemaren gw ga enak perasaan buat pergi, ditambah kejadian sekarang gw makin ill feel. So maybe cancelling this trip is for the best, althou I noe it will means more work for me for the next week....sigh.....

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Heroes Episode 22

Peter Petreli akhirnya meledak juga dengan kekuatan nuklir 5000x kekuatan seluruh bom atom yang dijatuhkan di Hiroshima. Akibatnya bisa dirasakan sampai ke Kota Medan di Sumatra. Sebuah Mobil terlempar dan mendarat di atap sebuah rumah.....hmmmmmmmm

foto dari koran Pikiran Rakyat Senin, 7 Mei 2007 halaman 7

So f*cked up!!!!!

I am losing focus
I am hating people
I am becoming whiny
I am losing my temper

And I do not have any justification for these!

I copy paste it from my bestfriend's blog...guess we're on the same page...

Sunday, May 06, 2007

How you value things....

Before we go thru this, lets check on the conversations below:

Female (F) : I think u need a new pair of shoes
Male (M) : really?
F : Here, these are perfect for you
M : But it cost more than $150
F : Well if you wanna look good u need to pay, and I want u to look good
M : Nah, I'd rather spend tat $150 for a upgrading my cell phone
F : Why do you even need a new phone? wats wrong wif your cell phone?
M : Nothing, and the same goes with my current shoes
F : But we're still on a tight budget? c'mon...
M : I noe...but spending $150 for shoes that I rarely gonna use compare to the pda phone I'd sure gonna use every minutes? I'll vote for the phone.
F : dun you listen to me? we're on a tight budget
M : So wats the different spending $150 on shoes and $150 on phones to our budget? we still end up spending $150?!?

M : honey, you can't go on like this, i think you need to get your self a laptop
F : I noe, but do I really need it now?
M : I think you do, and we have the budget for that
F : you noe wat I need? I need a spa therapy at least twice a month and maybe a new hand bag to cool off my mind
M : SPA?!? it's a total waste of money, and new hand bags?!? you already got a closet full of em
F : and buying a laptop is not? you're the one who wanted me to have a laptop, not me, wat i need is something else

So?!?! waddya think? well, I come to conclusion tat you can't assume you noe wat others want. In terms of spending their money, people have their own preferences and it can be vary for each individuals. Wat you think important might be a real garbage for someone else, and also dun forget we tend to think according to our preferences.

this is a common rules tat everybody sud noe and implement in their live, which for me, I just implement it recently. I think the furthest you can say to people who had just made a useless purchase (in our point view)is ,

"Are you satisfied with this? is it lives up your expectation?"

Never say, "You really wasted your money on this, I were u I'd rather....."

But if you really need to comment, do compare it with item on the same category and give a valid reason like, "I think with $400 I wud not go for W880, I'd rather choose P990i coz its on the same price but has a qwerty keyboard, PDA with touchscreen and you still abble to do things like with your w880"

anyway, it's a random thought......try to open your self to the real world

Must Buy for 2007 : For Racing Mania

The G25 is a MUST BUY for all racing fans...mahal sih emang, harga di official websitenya $299 tapi di glodok ada yg jual 2.5jt dan belum di tawar. Terus terang gw baru beli steering wheel buat PC, less than $50, but I guess price wont lie. My steering wheel is sucks, seperti gi nyetir mobil rusak, masih lebih enak di keyboard. tapi yang ini sepertinya menjanjikan bgt....hmmmm....only 1 problem, ngeyakinin bini gw buat ngijinin beli....hmmmmmm....any idea?



Real metal. Real leather. Real racing.

Premium materials. Hand-crafted components. A team of racing fanatics dedicated to providing the most realistic driving experience possible. With the G25 Racing Wheel, Logitech® is taking sim racing controls to the next level, and we'd like you to come along for the ride. The G25's unique dual-motor force feedback transmission delivers powerful, high-fidelity force effects to the hand-stitched leather wheel, so you can feel under-and oversteer before you're on the barrier.

Sit down, turn off the lights, and crank up the sound. You're not playing games anymore; with the G25, you're racing.

"yupp...its not a game anymore...its racing, ga sabar buat nyobain setir ini pake Toca Race Driver 3"

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Movie : BABEL --> Not for the f*cked up days

Seriously, I was in a bad...bad...bad... mood lately coz some stupid errand on the job, and I tot I needed a movie therapy. I bought a lot of titles (pirated off course), Bean 's Holiday, Dejavu, 300, Epic Movie, and Talladega Nights. But instead of watching those I bought, I picked the movie tat my sister gave me, she said it's a good movie and have won a lots of awards....and so I watched it (which I'm seriously regret it now).
The movie is about simple life stories of several individuals who lives across the globe, which happened to have connections, and a series of unfortunate events (if I may say so) took place in each and every single individuals in the movie, and when I say unfortunate...I mean it can harshly decrease your mood, it will send you down o the bottom of your soul. It's all about "How things can get really wrong for anyone, anywhere and anytime". This movie is kinda like "love actually" and "crash", but somehow I enjoyed em, especially "love actually" coz it has happy ending, but not this movie.
How would u like to see a man got his wife shot in the neck while in the bus somewhere in the morroco and in the same time their 5-8 years old children is witnessing the cruelty of Mexico and stranded in a desert, and...the one who shot his wife was actually a 10 years old kid who was just playing with a new riffle which was sold to the kids father just this morning....and....the one who sold the riffle got tortured by the police investigating the shooting, and the boy's brother got killed by the police trying to arrest him...and...the rightful owner of the riffle was a successful japanese man who was just lost his wife on a suicide and has dissabled doughter...beautiful girl...but cant even date a guy coz of her handicap even when she offered her body to every guy she noes and that drove her to insanity?!?!?!?

I noe....just reading it makes u feel awful, your self a favor...if you haven't watch this movie...DON'T...unless you have enuf sanity left in your mind than it will be...maybe...just ok.

here is the link for metacritic on this movie

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Hati-hati kalo pake WC umum

Buat temen-temen yang kebelet pas di luar rumah dan terpaksa harus pake WC umum, ini ada beberapa hal yg gw saranin supaya ga terjadi disaster....

- Begitu masuk, cek pintu WC ada kunci apa ga? trus ada tempat gantung celana pa ga?
- Liat dulu tu WC pake sistem air (ember ato semprotan) atau sistem kering (tissue)
- Cek dulu ada air ga, ato minimal tissuenya ada pa ga? jangan langsung brojol aja tanpa liat2 dulu...sapa tau ga ada air...tisu pun tak nampak.....WUAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

In case of emergency, do the following :
- ga ada air? ga ada tissue? kalo bawa saputangan ya korbanin aja
- pasang kuping baik2, kalau sekiranya dah ga ada orang, ambil celana dan barang2 pribadi laennya dan lari ke cubicle WC sebelah (ini dah jorok banget karena pasti the sh*t dan meleber kemana mana....yucks)...ini blm tentu ada air/tisu juga loh di sebelah...
- telpon temen minta beliin tisu....itu kalo lo ga malu dan temen lo ga keburu ill feel.
- anything u do....make sure u don't leave the toilet UNWIPPED!!! penting ya...tapi daripada terjadi malapetaka

Friday, April 27, 2007

10 Things To-Do in a Boring Meeting

These are some of the things I or my friends do in a boring meeting,

1. Sketch or draw a person that standing in front of the room who causes the whole stupidity. Compete with your friends, the ugliest wins.

2. Done with sketching? well break your freebies pencil into pieces, once again, compete with your friends, the most pieces wins.

3. Well it's time to get serious, open up your laptop, open your outlook (this is really just for emergency) and play games such as Dinner Dash, dun forget to dried up the volume, get ready to press Alt+tab to switch to your outlook just in case yer boss spotted you.

4. Playing games cud be boring it self, so take out your blackberry or any mobile phone u have that support Yahoo Messenger and chat with yer friends. Chat with anyone, tell them how u suffered and trapped inside a boring meeting, or chat with your kolig, and make jokes of the meeting.

5. You got any PSP or Nintendo DS?!?!? Well it's time to put it into a real good use. I have a NDS and so does my friends/ say if we get on the multiplayer Wifi Games...Bomberman?

6. If you are an important person or wanna look like one, than yer phone sud always rings every 10 mnts, now u noe wat to do, rite? yeah...PICK UP THE PHONES AND WALK OUT OF THE ROOM!!!! even when no one is calling...hehe...just make sure u put yer phone on silent mode, or u'll be a sorry ass if yer phone rings while u are on the phone....hehehehe (not to mention the damage to yer ear).

7. Try to look serious...dun ever fall asleep...if u lucky enough, there sud be a hot coffee or tea, try to make experiments...mix up your drinks, like tea+lemon+creamer+sugar and add a little coffee...and once again...IF U GET got a major stomachache, another excuse to leave the meeting.

8. This one is old and need a bit shameless people to do it, they have done this since our ancestor (remember the monkey?) your friends get rid off all the gray hair manifested from the hard work.

9. Had a crush with yer kolig? try to sit next to her/him. whether you got welcomed or ignored...both will rush yer adrenaline.

10. Last but not least...if your company is big enough to have more than 50 ppls seating in a could just bail out and keep your finger crossed that your boss wud not notice...hehe...

Well...that's a wrap, I'm off to the WORLD GOURMET SUMMIT 2007...will give the review after I'm full...hehehe

Monday, April 16, 2007

Playing With Google Earth

Just downloaded the copy of Google Earth last weekend and it rocks. I mean it's fun, googling the earth with satelite, finding the roof of your house, office, etc. Anyway, here's some of my spotting screen shots,

My old house back when I was in elementary school (Rumah Mangga), located at the border of Surabaya and Sidoarjo, kompleks Pondok Chandra Indah. Had my 1st crush with my neighbour there, when I was 8 years old...hehehe...memories still linger thou...

Went to this school, from 1st to 3rd grade, lotsa memories there

4th to 6th grade...met with 2nd crush (hihihi) and this is where I met my 1st rival...he's dead accident with his girlfriend about 8 years ago...real sorry bro, you were one helluva rival

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Got Yelled Coz I drive "B" ?!?!?

Today's traffic was a killer...I really mean it could kill someone...and it all thanks to hundreds or maybe millions of "B" platted cars. Ga tau apa yang di cari di Bandung?!?!?!? Perjalanan dari rumah ke tempat fave (baca=electronic solution)biasanya serasa jalan dari dapur ke kamar mandi...cepet...tapi sekarang?!?!?!? Rasanya seperti dari dapur ke kamar mandi pas kebelet pipis tapi ada orang gi boker di dalem kamar mandi.....ARRRRRGGGGGHHHH!!!!!
anyway, it was arround 1 pm, di pertigaan jalan Laswi, lampu merah di situ emang 3 jalur dikanan penuh sama orang yang mo belok ke kanan, sementara yang lurus cuma nyisa satu jalur paling kiri. Pas macet banget, jadi kalo orang mo lurus salah ambil jalur ya harus sabar mpe yang ke kanan abis. Gw....karena emang pribumi sini, tau persis jangan sampe salah ambil jalur, dan emang gw dah bener...eeeeee...ada mobil sedan item (tuner style) di sebelah kanan (Plat "D" Bandung padahal) maksa mo ambil kiri, tapi dah ga mungkin, ada orang gila di jalur kirinya ('s me). Wajarlah ga gw kasi, dalem hati gw bilang bego banget orang bandung bisa salah jalur. Terus ya bisa di tebak, kt pepet-pepetan maen who's the chicken, sampe akhirnya spion dia jadi korban (ketekuk doang sih....tapi karena spion dia model matic yg nekuknya pake motor, keknya mampus juga tu spion ke tekuk paksa). trus dia (penumpang) buka jendela dan teriak, "JAKARTA ANJIIING!!!!!!", wajar gw tersinggung, bukan gara-gara dibilang anjing, tapi dibilang orang JAKARTA. Langsung gw rem mobil, buka jendela, pasang muka sengak terus keluar deh kata2 mujarab asli bandung, tapi gw ga teriak, cm ngomong pelan ala mafia, "naon sia beul!!!, kehet!!!"...well, cukup untuk membuat mereka tutup mulut, dan tutup jendela....hehehe...mayan, ditengah stress kejebak macet ada hiburan juga.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Demam NDS

Ga tau sapa yg mulai, tp console mungil keluaran Nintendo ini lg bikin orang orang sekitar gw ketagihan. Gmn ga, gamenya kreatif smua, pake touch screen ma voice control, bs online pake wifi gratis, bayangin lo dirmh ato di mall maen mbil chatting ma jutaan pemilik NDS di dunia, win games and u earn points, with tat u earn ur reps in online world. Tapi gw jadi dicuekin ma bini, lagi nyante ngopi2 dia malah tanding masak di NDS...hiks...btw, udah 2 orang temen gw yg beli NDS gara2 gw racunin, gw juga diracunin temen...wong niatan awal mo beli Nintendo Wii malah ga jadi

Saturday, March 10, 2007

The Complete Sherlock Holmes

Alone in my hotel room and I was on the last page of World of Warcraft:Cycle of Hatred. I really need to find a new readings to kill time, and that when I remembered seeing a book nearby, just down the street about ten minutes walk. So there I was, standing in front the book self browsing for anything worthy. I wasnt looking for anything perticular, just something fun to read. Had my eyes for Tom Clancy's Bear ant The Dragon, but the book is 15 cm thick. Then I considered Mario Puzo's Godfather, but I watched the trilogy three times, remember every scenes. Tired and hungry I decided to given up the hunt, but just when I walked pass the last shelf, I saw this book, The Complete Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. It has all the fifty-seven stories, hardcover, imported, and cost me only Rp. 75rb. (36rb for the soft cover version). I know it might sounds corny, I mean, who wud want to read Sherlock Holmes these days? That dude was history, dinosours age, he still using that old magnifying glass, no spectro, no DNA matching, just following his huntch and logic. Well, that the beaty of it. I'm a big fan of CSI series, but they solved most cases with mere hitech solution, where's the fun? Besides, I really want to know about this guy. I know him as a detective icon for ages, but never really read the book. So, I hope he's as good as the legend says or else I know why they're selling it this cheap

Friday, March 09, 2007

Naik Kereta Api...dut...dut...dut

Bukannya gw takut naek garuda ke jogja gara2 ada yg kebakar, tp emang dah planning dr mg lalu ke jogja naek kreta. Sayang jg sih gw jd ga dapet milage di freq flyer gw. Its just tat i can rest for a while kalo pake kreta. Ga kek pake pesawat yg smua kesannya in rush. O iya, about the tittle pake dutdutdut bukan tuttuttut krn every now and then pasti kecium bau busuk...bused...smua org pada masuk angin ya?!

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Dino crisis

This is how kids play with their dinosours these days...they just get smarter and smarter

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Festival Jajanan Bango

No pass to Java Jazz? No worries...ada bejibun makanan di Gasibu. Batagor riri, warung lela, reds dipo, rujak cingur sedati surabaya, rawon setan, and many more. Jadi ga nyesel kan ga ntn java jazz? Ummm...nyeseel, palagi festival jajanan ini cm bagus iklannya. Uda ngantri nya aja biadab, trus makanan ya itu2 aja, di hari biasapun banyak...well at least i got a story this weekend...bummer

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Broken Passion

Driving...has always been my passion since my childhood. Berawal dari kekaguman gw ma kemampuan kakak gw menghapal smua tipe mobil yg ada dijalan waktu gw TK pun belum. Kebiasaan keluarga gw yg tiap weekend pergi liburan keluar kota makin buat gw cinta sama nyetir. Gw baca smua buku tentang mobil, i finished countless driving games with the hardest difficulty, i watched racing movies sampe yg kartun. Waktu ikutan test driving dari asosiasi driving australia indonesia, i'm proud to say gw satu2nya yg pernah dapet perfect score di refleks dan car handling. Gw bener2 suka nyetir, ga pernah bercita cita punya supir. Tapi smua ada limit, sekarang gw bahkan ga bisa turun dari mobil tanpa meringis nahan sakit, duduk di mobil aja uda sakit. Cedera yg gw dapet dari passion gw sendiri. Malem ini gw bersyukur bgt kakak gw ikut, krn gw cm bs bertahan stg perjalanan sblm otot gw keram...gmn dong? Hiks...

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Life After The Flood

Keknya basi bgt ya...banjirnya dah sebulan lewat tapi gw baru ribut sekarang, tapi emang gw baru hari ini nengok kamar gw di jakarta. Rumah masi brantakan, barang2 masi ditumpuk diatas takut banjir lagi. Kamar gw dah mirip kamar anak kost, ato parah. Untung AC masih jalan, tapi ga ada air dingin, kulkas rusak. Cat dinding udah cocok buat tempat shooting Jelangkung Begins ato Sundelbolong Returns. Tapi Alhamdulillah msh ada 2 kasur lipet yg bs gw tumpuk jadi tempat tidur yang nyaman...and I hv never felt this comfortable as I'm now in this room

Monday, February 26, 2007

I Hate Monday

Senim pagi di Jakarta? No way, kalo ga kepaksa bgt kek hari ini ga bakal deh. Skrg jam 7.15 dan gw masih merayap di depan pintu tol pondok gede timur. Jam 8 meeting di Slipi. Harusnya gw dah nginep aja dihotel tadi malem...jadi nyesel

Monday, February 19, 2007


Salah satu benefit bongkar2 kamar adalah u never noe wat treasure u'll find. For me gw nemu pas foto gw dari berbagai taun, sayang ga ada yg SD ato TK. Selain itu nemuin jg koleksi prangko, uang kuno, foto foto mantan (weksss), sama koleksi duit logam cepek yg tebel satu celengan penuh. Ternyata gw sadar, kamar gw dah seabad ga diberesin...hihi...

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Senja di Malioboro

Akhirnya kerjaan gw di jogja kelar. Benarkah? Belum...masih ada tugas laen, beli titipan orang. Pertama nyari kado buat temen gw yg merit, harus yg khas jogja buat newly wed. Sprei batik? Pasti panas...kondom batik? Gw takut kalo nanya diusir ama satpam...sarung bantal kursi batik keknya yg paling pantes, bs kepake lama asal ga kebanjiran. Bis gitu beli kaos yg gambarnya lucu khas jogja buat babeh, buat gantiin kaos oleh2 dari kinabalu, waktu itu gw beli kaos buat babeh asal ambil yg gambarnya keren, ternyata pas dibuka di rumah kaos ce yg mini...hehe. Masih ada titipan lagi...bakpia, tapi bawaan gw dipesawat ntar dah berat, jd gw beli aja pas sesuai titipan (bagi yg ga brasa nitip maap ya...dan jgn ngaku2). Tinggal cari makan malem...pas gi clingak clinguk cari makan nemu tukang kalung jalanan, keinget ma cincin kawin gw yg udah ga muat, jd gw beli kalung baja tentara G.I. buat gantungin cincin, skalian steel plate nya di embos nama gw dan di baliknya nama lilie. Akhirnya gw dah tll capek buat makan, ckp beli dunkin dan bawa ke hotel. Capek...besok pesawa jam 7.40, belom beres2. Besok aja subuh...skrg saatnya tidur...zzz...

Monday, February 12, 2007

Home sick

Here I am again in a place far from home...alone in a comfort hotel's room in not enjoying it. It's only a week since I got off the plane from KL, i miss my 3x3 room, non AC just a squeeky fan, with my cheap bed and furniture, cables running havoc arround my PC, and mostly, I miss my lovely wife. Just when i was onboard the plane this day, I listened to michael buble's songs which goes something like this : 'another aeroplane, another sunny place I'm lucky I know but I wanna go home, I miss you, you know'

Friday, February 09, 2007

Sambel Kulit Jeruk

"mo makan dimana li?"
"dimana aja terserah kamu deh", jawab lili sambil memasang sabuk pengaman
"dimana ya??? aku dah makan sih barusan, bis nungguin kamu lama, dah kelaperan"
"hihi...ya udah, eh, di rumah si mamah bikin sambel ga?"
"ga tau tu, kalo ga salah bikin sambel kulit jeruk" , bales gw sambil ngarahin mobil masuk jalan riau yang sudah mulai sesak dengan orang2 yg bergegas dari kantor pulang ke rumah.
"telp mamah dulu gih, kalo iya kita kesana aja...hehe...numpang makan di mertua".
So I called my mom, and she said she'd love to make sambal kulit jeruk but ran out of cabe merah and cengek. I made a quick stop at Jogja Antapani and grabbed some cabe merah, cengek and a cut of Jambal Roti Special.
Sampe di rumah mamah langsung kerja nyiapin menu spesial, sambal kulit jeruk (kulit jeruk dah ada di rumah sisa jeruk kemaren), jambal roti goreng, sama ayam bakar. Dad went outside and pick up some "watever the name is" leafes for "lalab" or "lalap" (someone pls tell me which is the right word), mom always keep edible plants in the yard...hihihi...good for us.
Sambil nunggu gw maen Figt Night Round 3, nerusin career mode...mayan...dapet KO 2 contender.
"Ayo tuh kalian pada makan, dah siap mumpung panas", teriak mama dari dapur
"iya mah...asik asik asik", sambil agak linglung tapi bersemangat lili bangun dari tempat tidur.
tau kan rasanya nyium aroma sambel sama ikan asin, terus ngebayangin pedesnya sambel yang lumer di mulut dengan jambal roti yang wuuueeenakk?!?!? trus pasti udah nelen lidah duluan....?!?!? tats exactly the feeling i got...hihihi...We had a "Sweaty" two rounds by the way...enuf to sent us crushing on the bed....sampe males pulang...tapi akhirnya kita pulang juga, dengan ngebekel sambel, ikan asin ama lalabnya...huehehehe...Mom...ur the best cook hihihi

Friday, February 02, 2007

Kinabalu Day 3 : Island Activity

ekspresi kemenangan bis ngalahin team malaysia

lomba ke dua lawan filipina, we lost, soanlya entah kenapa perahu kita jadi miring ke arah perahu filipin yang beberapa pedayungnya cewek2 sexy, terpaksa waktu pas mo tabrakan kita ngerem, safety mean safety first

kecapean bis snorkling...ikannya galak-galak ada yg gigit kaki gw pula

isi bensin dulu...makan makanan sehat