Saturday, August 04, 2007

The Mind Gym - Impact

Hasil dari TheMindGym , lucunya sama persis sama hasil evaluasi boss gw ke gw...hihihi...artinya boss gw jago nilai orang

You are an Adapter

As your scores are a mix of Carer (38.0) , Professional (30.0) and Driver (32.0) you are an Adapter.

Adapters are people who are a combination of each of the other three styles. You see the merits in focusing on people, on getting things done and on quality. You value flexibility and taking a balanced approach to any situation.

You can often take the role of peacekeeper in a disagreement as you quickly see and empathise with each of the different perspectives.

Adapters like to adapt, experiment, be open to change, make sure bases are covered and options considered. You sometimes feel pulled in many directions by their different motivations. Stuck with a problem! I?ll work out a way to find a solution, is your natural response

* At your best: flexible, adaptable, collaborative, mediator, jack of all trades
* At your worst: weak, political, all-pleasing, conviction-less, master of none
* What you hate: people who are stuck in their ways; obstinacy; extreme behaviours
* The perfect person if . . . you want to manage all possible eventualities.


Bijuk said...

hasil ini salah satunya berdasarkan penilaian gw kan?

A Father said...

ini hasil tes gw pribadi pi, tapi dari 360 yg gw kirim ke orang2, secondary opinionnya sama, jadi ya mungkin emang kek gini faktanya....hiks, kalo yg masalah alasan menunda kerjaan ada beda dikit sih, kalo dari hasil pribadi gw gw terlalu males, kalo dari secondary gw tll menganggap remeh

Bijuk said...

hmmmmm yah dun be so upset about it. nobody's perfect and if i were you i wouldnt care so much

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