Friday, December 14, 2007


Serius neh, uda hampir sebulanan gw keknya berhalusinasi. Jangan mikirin yang serem serem dulu ye, halusinasinya bukan model2 misteri kek wewe gembel ato kuntilanak's work related...AAAAAARRRGH. U noe that they gave me Blackberry (BB) for almost 2.5 years? Dan itu bener bener addictive. Gw bukan satu2nya org, coba googling blackberry addict pasti nemu banyak artikel. 24 jam sehari org bisa deket terus ma BB nya. 24 hours e-mail, internet, instant messanging, they're all addictive (my boss is currently taking her personal leave in Hongkong and she still answering e-mails). Btw, banyak kasus BB addict, tapi sampe halusinasi?!? Bayangin, kuping gw sekarang suka "merasa" mendengar bunyi ring tone BB gw yg gw set standard ringer low volume, padahal BB gw ga bunyi (even now I'm hearing it even thou I'm currently starring at my BB writing this). Dan ga cuma sampe disitu, BB suka gw clip dipinggang, dan kalo diclip, dia otomatis masuk vibrate mode, and now.....pinggang gw suka "serasa" bergeter (okay don't laugh....I'm warning you...stop it...and the grin too). Gw kek serasa gila work has occupied my mind...ato malah alam bawah sadar gw?!?!
Sent from my wireless CrackBerry Device

Friday, December 07, 2007

Fuji S6500 fd REVIEW

As I promised 10 minutes ago, here's my review on this camera.
Beli camera ini di BEC, harga mayan murah, 2.9 juta (No XD-card and batteries) street price masi bekisar 3.8-4.5 jt jadi pilih2 toko aja karena harga sebenarnya uda turun ke 3jt, got it on last Saturday. 1st impressions was, "this thing really looks like a pro" hehehe...yang pasti dah kek kamera beneran, beratnya pun setelah pasang batre pas bgt, ga terlalu ringan dan ga terlalu berat.

What I Like :
- Barrel Twist zoom and focus : lebih cepet daripada pake pencet2 tombol
- Manual features : compared it with D40 (not X) dan tweak menunya ga jauh
- Face Detection : This is the best...bisa detect sembilan wajah sekaligus buat bantu focusing
- ISO performance : Ini sebenarnya alasan utama pilih s6500fd, superb performance up to ISO 800 (3200 max), 100-400 bener bener ga ada noise, 800 ada noise dikit bgt, masih bisa di handle photoshop, diatas 1600-3200 baru kerasa bgt.
- Preset mode : gw hampir jadi pemalas pake kamera ini, hampir semua kebutuhan uda ada preset modenya, dan hasilnya uda maksimal, gw jarang bgt pake manualnya kecuali pengen fine tune...bener2 bikin males belajar...hehehe

What I dun like :
- Zoom nya kurang jauh...heheh...walopun 10.7x tu dah cukup gede (28-300mm lens)
- Ga ada hot shoe buat external flash, yang S9000fd ada, tapi sayang ga ada di indo
- White balancenya terbatas banget, coolpix 4300 gw aja jauh lebih banyak

Kesimpulan :
Good camera with lots of manual features, cocok buat amatir yang baru belajar fotografi karena feature sama dengan DSLR, tapi tetep ga bisa ngegantiin DSLR begitu sudah bermain lensa (S6500fd itu fixed lens ga bisa di ganti...but look at the bright side, ga perlu repot2 ngerbersihin dari debu :p ). Hasil foto bila dibanding seri powershot (S3 IS dan S5 IS) masih jauh lebih bagus, karena powershot memakai plat sensor dengan ukuran kecil (layaknya kamera compact) hanya 1/2.5". Begitu sudah mahir maen2 sama fuji S6500fd, bisa berpikir pindah ke DSLR dan langsung pakai umur shutternya dengan maksimal (sayang kan kalo dipake belajar, pas jago dah abis umurnya..hehe).

Salah satu hasil foto portrait of my wife, we're expecting our 1st child next month, one of the reason I bought a new digicam. Ini hasil 6M Fine (3:2 ratio), belum ada re-touch sama sekali. ISO 100, 1/220 sec, F/4.1, at 39mm F-lenght, without flash, spot metering.

Full review dari klik disini

Sholat yu!!

Mencoba menjadi Kemaltaba Grey (refer to Noah Grey ) hehehe....Namanya juga belajar berfoto dengan baik dan benar...jadi peniru dulu, asal bukan plagiat.The shot was actually taken by my big brother while I was explaining to him how to use the camera. I don't have filters yet, only UV, coz they cost a fortune so I use photoshop instead...keuntungan hidup di jaman digital...hehe pake Fuji S6500fd, many people look down on this camera just because it's not an SLR or PRO cam...but NOT PRO-Photographer...surprisingly...they're quite surprised of this camera (try googling for reviews) juga mo ngebuat reviewnya siy...tapi bingung, dari newbie apa bisa di percaya?!?!?