Tuesday, May 06, 2008

The Number 23

Pagi ini gw nonton film Jim C. , "The Number 23", satu2nya film serius dia keknya ( tapi tep aja perannya disini sbg psyco). Ceritanya tentang orang yg terobsesi sama angka 23, dimana angka 23 (atau 32, kebalikannya) selalu dihubungkan dalam segala sesuatu di hidupnya ato didunia, seperti tgl lahir, alamat rumah dll. Dalam film itu disebut angka 23 adalah angka jahat atau angka setan, tp satu psikolog di film itu bener jg ngasi keterantgan, "the number 23 is there because you look for it, it goes the same with any other numbers".
Angka 23 dalam film itu seperti hiroshima di bom jam 08.15 (jumlah 23), darah butuh 32 detik untuk sirkulasi tubuh, lintang bujur bumi 23 derajat, dan masih banyak lagi.
Pas film selesai, spt biasa pagi2 gw mau manasin mobil, then I glanced at my plate numbers, "B 8564 KJ", 8+5+6+4 = 23, great. Trus gw coba angka lainnya :

  • gw ma istri sama2 lahir tgl 3 jan, so....there are two threes ~ 23
  • my son was born in 22 jan 2008, it's 22/1/2008, 22+1 = 23, kalau ditambah 2008 brarti 22+1+2+8 = 32.
  • I was married in 21 nov, it's 21/11, 21+11=32
  • my initial is AKK, A=1 and K=11, so it's 1+11+11=23
  • hari pertama masuk kerja in my current comp is 14 feb 2005, 14/2/2005, 14+2+2+5=23
  • I graduated in 2003, kinda like 23
  • There are maybe a total of 23 girls in my life which I had crush with... (mungkin...hehe)
  • and guess my current salary is......SHIT!!!!!! It's not 23....palagi 32 hiks...

Well, I dun think 23 is a bad number, I think it's just amusing. So...ready to find other 23s? Take today's date for example.... 6/5/2008, 6+5+2+8=21 hihihihi....ga segitunya kali

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