Thursday, May 24, 2007

Hi there embrio!!!

Hi there little've been there for almost 3 weeks and u didn't tell me?!?!?
even when I came knocking on your door several times?!?! well, I guess you were too bussy moving into your new place, well take your time honey, you got 9 months to prep, make sure u buzz yer mom before coming out, she'd freak out if you cought her unprepared...hihi...kay little dude, c u soon

Monday, May 21, 2007

The most talked about Day in history

Is it new year?
Is it someone's birthday or death?
Is it Independence day?
Is it lebaran or xmas?
Mama Oscar Nano Delta Alpha Yankee!!!'s the most talked about day in mankind history, why?!?! Coz people always whine about monday, monday is horrible, monday is doom, monday we get to face the real world which is not pretty....and so the list goes on, mostly negative. Just today I woke up and saw the status of my friends in YM, they are all complaining about monday...hihihi...and so I did too.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Heroes Season 2

Ini beberapa wish list gw buat finishing heroes season 1 and start up of season 2

1. Ando yg kt kira adalah orang normal tiba2 punya kekuatan saat mo nyelametin Hiro, tapi terus mati, jadi sekali keluar power trus mati....kasian d

2. Ada musuh baru yg super sakti terus sylar akhirnya gabung ma peter, kan intinya sylar ga mau bunuh orang(inget ep 22?), cm org2 yg punya kekuatan aja, jadi seperti bejita ama goku hehehe

Nah kalo ini dari forum ttg heroes :

Site user james directed us to this video on YouTube where Molly Walker, the little girl who can "find" Heroes by thinking about them, informs Matt Parkman, Mohinder, and Bennet that while Sylar (the bogeyman) is bad, there are in fact someone much worst than Sylar out there, and he can see her. I believe this clip is from the season finale next week, so it could possibly be setting up the Season 2 villain. If that's the case, then one gets the feeling Sylar won't survive Season 1…  

Hmmmmmm.....heroes makin seru aja....btw, ada yg bilang gw mirip Matt Parkman loh.....hueheheh

Friday, May 18, 2007


Gila, jam segini lom nyampe jg kretanya?!? Harusnya jam satu dah sampe tapi skrg jam 3 sore?!?! jg ga jelas dah sampe mana, baru lewat stasiun yg namanya SENTOLO.....dasar sontoloyo.....sigh

Off to Jogja

Jam 06.45 AM, uda duduk di Argowilis menuju Jojga, my last trip to jogja last week was cancelled due to malfunction of the airplane flaps. Sekarang saat smua orang pada libur gw harus berangkat ke jogja....hiks....tapi untungnya lilie mau nemenin, jadi anggap aja liburan sambil kerja....ayo smangaaaaaaaaaaattttttt....

Monday, May 14, 2007

Satisfaction = Expectation

Just like the tittle said, satisfaction is equal to expection. Lucu juga kejadian akhir2 ini had lead me to this conclusion. Yang bisa muasin seseorang itu benernya ada di otak dia sendiri, dan itu adalah ekspektasi. Kalo ada istilah "happiness is in our self" gw bilang itu well said. Semakin tinggi ekspektasi lo, semakin susah lo terpuaskan, tapi ekspektasi itu yg drive kita buat achieve something, buat kita maju. Gw ada bbrp kasus yg kejadian baru2 aja :

*Gw baru upgrade pc, mayan powerfull lah, trus pas gw maen game gw pengennya pake full detail, ya terang aja megap2 pc gw, secara itu game kluaran 2007 yg spec nya tinggi, trus gw jadi rada kecewa, padahal kalo dibanding spec pc lama gw......juauuuuhhhh banget bagusnya yg sekarang, the problem is I set my expectation to high.

*Minggu gw kluar ma lili ke lembang, dia pengen makan sate kelinci di satu tempat yg terkenal, sampe disana ternyata dah abis, akhirnya drpd ga jadi kita makan di tempat laen, yg lebih kecil dan sepi. To my surprise ternyata satenya lbh enak dan lebih murah, tapi lili tetep ga puas, dia bilang ga sama rasanya ma yg di tempat "itu". The problem is ini ga sesuai ekspektasi lili ke lembang makan sate kelinci di tempat "itu" sampai ga mau nerima the fact bahwa ada yg lebih baik.

* di kerjaan, taun ini emang berat bgt dan tantangannya bisa bikin org gila. Tapi dibulan yg sama taun lalu gw ngadepin masalah sama, even worse maybe. Saat itu gw smangat bgt dan bilang ke diri gw ma team mate gw kalo we can do this, and we did, we had a great year. Dan waktu itu gw ngerasa kalo gw give my best maka th depan (which is this year) ga kan seberat saat itu. ini berat juga dan ekspektasi gw tu th ini gw bisa lebih santai, padahal kalo gw punya spirit kek th lalu keknya ga masalah. Gw sadar waktu gw curhat ma teammate gw dia bilang "I didn't noe u are this depressed?!? I tot u are all fired up and tats wats keep me going all this time, because u make me belief we can do this?!?", gw sadar bahwa gw uda kebawa virus "mengeluh" typical indonesian worker (itu istilah sobat gw...hihi), jadi gara2 th ini tdk sesuai ekpektasi gw maka gw ga bahagia?!?

So, happiness is equal to how we satisfied our expectation, and we need to set our expectation to achieve something in our lives. U need to find the right combination betwen satisfaction and expectation.....well, I noe one thing for sure.....u didn't expect to see such a serious and long post here in my blog.....hihihi....sorry

Friday, May 11, 2007

GA 430 to Jogja

Got delayed tripple times, pertama dari jam 09.35 ke jam 10.00. Kedua dah masuk di pesawat terus di cockpit rusuh ga tau napa dan kita smua disuru keluar lagi but to leave our belonging onboard. Ketiga setelah nunggu 15 mnt di ruang tunggu akhirnya masuk pesawat lagi, sempet nunggu another 30mnts dalam keadaan mesin pswt mati and no air conditioning akhirnya pesawat taxing ke take off runway, uda diujung runway tiba-tiba pesawat muter balik ke ramp, dan for the third times we were asked to leave the airplane, now with our belonging. Akhirnya my boss called me and she asked me to cancel my trip and so I did, dan sekarang gw lagi cengok nungguin koper gw yg musti diturunin dari pesawat, made few phone calls to cancel my appointment. Gw bukannya mo jadi superstisi or something tapi mang dari kemaren gw ga enak perasaan buat pergi, ditambah kejadian sekarang gw makin ill feel. So maybe cancelling this trip is for the best, althou I noe it will means more work for me for the next week....sigh.....

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Heroes Episode 22

Peter Petreli akhirnya meledak juga dengan kekuatan nuklir 5000x kekuatan seluruh bom atom yang dijatuhkan di Hiroshima. Akibatnya bisa dirasakan sampai ke Kota Medan di Sumatra. Sebuah Mobil terlempar dan mendarat di atap sebuah rumah.....hmmmmmmmm

foto dari koran Pikiran Rakyat Senin, 7 Mei 2007 halaman 7

So f*cked up!!!!!

I am losing focus
I am hating people
I am becoming whiny
I am losing my temper

And I do not have any justification for these!

I copy paste it from my bestfriend's blog...guess we're on the same page...

Sunday, May 06, 2007

How you value things....

Before we go thru this, lets check on the conversations below:

Female (F) : I think u need a new pair of shoes
Male (M) : really?
F : Here, these are perfect for you
M : But it cost more than $150
F : Well if you wanna look good u need to pay, and I want u to look good
M : Nah, I'd rather spend tat $150 for a upgrading my cell phone
F : Why do you even need a new phone? wats wrong wif your cell phone?
M : Nothing, and the same goes with my current shoes
F : But we're still on a tight budget? c'mon...
M : I noe...but spending $150 for shoes that I rarely gonna use compare to the pda phone I'd sure gonna use every minutes? I'll vote for the phone.
F : dun you listen to me? we're on a tight budget
M : So wats the different spending $150 on shoes and $150 on phones to our budget? we still end up spending $150?!?

M : honey, you can't go on like this, i think you need to get your self a laptop
F : I noe, but do I really need it now?
M : I think you do, and we have the budget for that
F : you noe wat I need? I need a spa therapy at least twice a month and maybe a new hand bag to cool off my mind
M : SPA?!? it's a total waste of money, and new hand bags?!? you already got a closet full of em
F : and buying a laptop is not? you're the one who wanted me to have a laptop, not me, wat i need is something else

So?!?! waddya think? well, I come to conclusion tat you can't assume you noe wat others want. In terms of spending their money, people have their own preferences and it can be vary for each individuals. Wat you think important might be a real garbage for someone else, and also dun forget we tend to think according to our preferences.

this is a common rules tat everybody sud noe and implement in their live, which for me, I just implement it recently. I think the furthest you can say to people who had just made a useless purchase (in our point view)is ,

"Are you satisfied with this? is it lives up your expectation?"

Never say, "You really wasted your money on this, I were u I'd rather....."

But if you really need to comment, do compare it with item on the same category and give a valid reason like, "I think with $400 I wud not go for W880, I'd rather choose P990i coz its on the same price but has a qwerty keyboard, PDA with touchscreen and you still abble to do things like with your w880"

anyway, it's a random thought......try to open your self to the real world

Must Buy for 2007 : For Racing Mania

The G25 is a MUST BUY for all racing fans...mahal sih emang, harga di official websitenya $299 tapi di glodok ada yg jual 2.5jt dan belum di tawar. Terus terang gw baru beli steering wheel buat PC, less than $50, but I guess price wont lie. My steering wheel is sucks, seperti gi nyetir mobil rusak, masih lebih enak di keyboard. tapi yang ini sepertinya menjanjikan bgt....hmmmm....only 1 problem, ngeyakinin bini gw buat ngijinin beli....hmmmmmm....any idea?



Real metal. Real leather. Real racing.

Premium materials. Hand-crafted components. A team of racing fanatics dedicated to providing the most realistic driving experience possible. With the G25 Racing Wheel, Logitech® is taking sim racing controls to the next level, and we'd like you to come along for the ride. The G25's unique dual-motor force feedback transmission delivers powerful, high-fidelity force effects to the hand-stitched leather wheel, so you can feel under-and oversteer before you're on the barrier.

Sit down, turn off the lights, and crank up the sound. You're not playing games anymore; with the G25, you're racing.

"yupp...its not a game anymore...its racing, ga sabar buat nyobain setir ini pake Toca Race Driver 3"

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Movie : BABEL --> Not for the f*cked up days

Seriously, I was in a bad...bad...bad... mood lately coz some stupid errand on the job, and I tot I needed a movie therapy. I bought a lot of titles (pirated off course), Bean 's Holiday, Dejavu, 300, Epic Movie, and Talladega Nights. But instead of watching those I bought, I picked the movie tat my sister gave me, she said it's a good movie and have won a lots of awards....and so I watched it (which I'm seriously regret it now).
The movie is about simple life stories of several individuals who lives across the globe, which happened to have connections, and a series of unfortunate events (if I may say so) took place in each and every single individuals in the movie, and when I say unfortunate...I mean it can harshly decrease your mood, it will send you down o the bottom of your soul. It's all about "How things can get really wrong for anyone, anywhere and anytime". This movie is kinda like "love actually" and "crash", but somehow I enjoyed em, especially "love actually" coz it has happy ending, but not this movie.
How would u like to see a man got his wife shot in the neck while in the bus somewhere in the morroco and in the same time their 5-8 years old children is witnessing the cruelty of Mexico and stranded in a desert, and...the one who shot his wife was actually a 10 years old kid who was just playing with a new riffle which was sold to the kids father just this morning....and....the one who sold the riffle got tortured by the police investigating the shooting, and the boy's brother got killed by the police trying to arrest him...and...the rightful owner of the riffle was a successful japanese man who was just lost his wife on a suicide and has dissabled doughter...beautiful girl...but cant even date a guy coz of her handicap even when she offered her body to every guy she noes and that drove her to insanity?!?!?!?

I noe....just reading it makes u feel awful, your self a favor...if you haven't watch this movie...DON'T...unless you have enuf sanity left in your mind than it will be...maybe...just ok.

here is the link for metacritic on this movie

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Hati-hati kalo pake WC umum

Buat temen-temen yang kebelet pas di luar rumah dan terpaksa harus pake WC umum, ini ada beberapa hal yg gw saranin supaya ga terjadi disaster....

- Begitu masuk, cek pintu WC ada kunci apa ga? trus ada tempat gantung celana pa ga?
- Liat dulu tu WC pake sistem air (ember ato semprotan) atau sistem kering (tissue)
- Cek dulu ada air ga, ato minimal tissuenya ada pa ga? jangan langsung brojol aja tanpa liat2 dulu...sapa tau ga ada air...tisu pun tak nampak.....WUAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

In case of emergency, do the following :
- ga ada air? ga ada tissue? kalo bawa saputangan ya korbanin aja
- pasang kuping baik2, kalau sekiranya dah ga ada orang, ambil celana dan barang2 pribadi laennya dan lari ke cubicle WC sebelah (ini dah jorok banget karena pasti the sh*t dan meleber kemana mana....yucks)...ini blm tentu ada air/tisu juga loh di sebelah...
- telpon temen minta beliin tisu....itu kalo lo ga malu dan temen lo ga keburu ill feel.
- anything u do....make sure u don't leave the toilet UNWIPPED!!! penting ya...tapi daripada terjadi malapetaka