Friday, May 11, 2007

GA 430 to Jogja

Got delayed tripple times, pertama dari jam 09.35 ke jam 10.00. Kedua dah masuk di pesawat terus di cockpit rusuh ga tau napa dan kita smua disuru keluar lagi but to leave our belonging onboard. Ketiga setelah nunggu 15 mnt di ruang tunggu akhirnya masuk pesawat lagi, sempet nunggu another 30mnts dalam keadaan mesin pswt mati and no air conditioning akhirnya pesawat taxing ke take off runway, uda diujung runway tiba-tiba pesawat muter balik ke ramp, dan for the third times we were asked to leave the airplane, now with our belonging. Akhirnya my boss called me and she asked me to cancel my trip and so I did, dan sekarang gw lagi cengok nungguin koper gw yg musti diturunin dari pesawat, made few phone calls to cancel my appointment. Gw bukannya mo jadi superstisi or something tapi mang dari kemaren gw ga enak perasaan buat pergi, ditambah kejadian sekarang gw makin ill feel. So maybe cancelling this trip is for the best, althou I noe it will means more work for me for the next week....sigh.....


Bijuk said...

im glad u didnt take the flight..i still want my bestfriend to be alive

A Father said...

Thx pi, not planning to in the near future...hihh...