Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Man, Soccer and Beers

"Cowo tu harus suka bola, kalo cowo ga suka bola brarti aneh", tats what my friend (a she) told me when we had a conversation a couple of weeks ago. Dan ga cuma dia, gw rasa banyak yg masih punya anggapan klise seperti itu. Kasian bgt kalo gw pikir, pemikiran klise yg dibentuk sejak ratusan tahun yg lalu....Well HEYYYY....reality check guys, we're living in 2007, 21st century where soccer is not the only sport arround. I my self is a race addict (cars only), I love nascars, WRC, WTCC, DTM and offcourse, F1 grand prix, those are 21st century sports where man and machines combined. Yet....many thinks if I dun dig soccer...I'm not man enough?!?!?! Ada yg argumen kalo balapan sih cm gitu2 aja, bosen, gian, ga macho......ga macho gimana?!? Driving in 300kmh and enduring 3x G-force for an hour is not macho?!? Even an F-16 pilots can only endure those kind of G-force in 15mnts max in a dogfight. It's just a matter of choice, I chose 21st century, Hi adrenaline and Hi speed sport rather than a century old soccer game, I chose to learn how to put my car in slipstream and slingshot forward rather than how to shake the ball, it's my choice and I think it's a choice to be respected.
Another example is today, I had a conv with my best friend, she told me that one of her kolig won't drink even when they were all out all nite drinking. She said, wats the point of hanging out with friends who drinks when he's not even drinks beer?!? I said, he chose to be with his friend, sharing the good times, without boost, wats wrong with it? It's his choice, he values the good companies, not the beers. I used to hang out with junkies....but I don't do drugs, they are loyal and good friends, I like them and they don't even bother when I do Vitamin C and not the "pills".
It's 21st century when all the options are available, people are free to make their choice and sud be respected.
Bukannya "perbedaan" yang makes life more interesting?


Bijuk said...

ok..got it! but still dun understand it...

A Father said...

Doh!!...well at least u got it

Anonymous said...

g sih lbh suka rugby =D rugby lho.. bukan soccer =>

A Father said...

I suppose it got nothing to do with the 'hunks'...if I may use tat word..hehe...

Anonymous said...

well.. somewhat it does hehehe..

Anonymous said...

The information here is great. I will invite my friends here.
