Monday, April 16, 2007

Playing With Google Earth

Just downloaded the copy of Google Earth last weekend and it rocks. I mean it's fun, googling the earth with satelite, finding the roof of your house, office, etc. Anyway, here's some of my spotting screen shots,

My old house back when I was in elementary school (Rumah Mangga), located at the border of Surabaya and Sidoarjo, kompleks Pondok Chandra Indah. Had my 1st crush with my neighbour there, when I was 8 years old...hehehe...memories still linger thou...

Went to this school, from 1st to 3rd grade, lotsa memories there

4th to 6th grade...met with 2nd crush (hihihi) and this is where I met my 1st rival...he's dead accident with his girlfriend about 8 years ago...real sorry bro, you were one helluva rival


Bijuk said...

hmmm brarti disekitar situ ada rmh gw jg dg?hihihihi

A Father said...

errrrr....yang mana ya?!?!? emang dulu kita tetanggaan?!?!?
*belaga bego mode

Bijuk said...

you must be living in "the nile"