Friday, April 27, 2007

10 Things To-Do in a Boring Meeting

These are some of the things I or my friends do in a boring meeting,

1. Sketch or draw a person that standing in front of the room who causes the whole stupidity. Compete with your friends, the ugliest wins.

2. Done with sketching? well break your freebies pencil into pieces, once again, compete with your friends, the most pieces wins.

3. Well it's time to get serious, open up your laptop, open your outlook (this is really just for emergency) and play games such as Dinner Dash, dun forget to dried up the volume, get ready to press Alt+tab to switch to your outlook just in case yer boss spotted you.

4. Playing games cud be boring it self, so take out your blackberry or any mobile phone u have that support Yahoo Messenger and chat with yer friends. Chat with anyone, tell them how u suffered and trapped inside a boring meeting, or chat with your kolig, and make jokes of the meeting.

5. You got any PSP or Nintendo DS?!?!? Well it's time to put it into a real good use. I have a NDS and so does my friends/ say if we get on the multiplayer Wifi Games...Bomberman?

6. If you are an important person or wanna look like one, than yer phone sud always rings every 10 mnts, now u noe wat to do, rite? yeah...PICK UP THE PHONES AND WALK OUT OF THE ROOM!!!! even when no one is calling...hehe...just make sure u put yer phone on silent mode, or u'll be a sorry ass if yer phone rings while u are on the phone....hehehehe (not to mention the damage to yer ear).

7. Try to look serious...dun ever fall asleep...if u lucky enough, there sud be a hot coffee or tea, try to make experiments...mix up your drinks, like tea+lemon+creamer+sugar and add a little coffee...and once again...IF U GET got a major stomachache, another excuse to leave the meeting.

8. This one is old and need a bit shameless people to do it, they have done this since our ancestor (remember the monkey?) your friends get rid off all the gray hair manifested from the hard work.

9. Had a crush with yer kolig? try to sit next to her/him. whether you got welcomed or ignored...both will rush yer adrenaline.

10. Last but not least...if your company is big enough to have more than 50 ppls seating in a could just bail out and keep your finger crossed that your boss wud not notice...hehe...

Well...that's a wrap, I'm off to the WORLD GOURMET SUMMIT 2007...will give the review after I'm full...hehehe


Bijuk said...

heuaheuhauea did you make this list during the meeting?

mana post on the gourmet summit?

Anonymous said...

one more thing..

always bring a reading material with you.. =P

- ira -

A Father said...

nope...tot about this during meeting,
world gourmet summit nya ga jelas, tanya hotel ga tau, supir taxi ga tau, payah neh...akhirnya ke foodcourt bgis junction lagi...hehe

iye...denger2 lo ngabisin satu buku ya kemaren during meeting?