Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Begundal Lanang Jahanam

Had a conversation with my buddy just now, and he's using Mobile YM in his Blackberry phone that is tends to locks up if recievin too much data from YM. So I did, as my instinct told me, I bombard him with a lot of text, I copied-pasted a word document and was trying to "kill" his BB, and suddenly he answered me with, "BEGUNDAL LANANG JAHANAM....jangan sok2 copy paste ya". I laughed hard, I mean, it's been ages since I heard that line, back when I was in Surabaya it's a common words, like Jancok (althou no one knows wat it means)....hihihi...somehow I miss those words. Tinggal cari ke sapa mo gw lemparin kata2nya...wakakak

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