I was reading my Dan Brown on my bed when this little dude was creeping on me, funny thing is, it was moving toward me without any fear...all the little dude is supposed to fear human. It was a baby lizard, a very small, and either stupid or has developed a sense of curiosity toward human. Instinctively I grabbed my camera and start taking shots...and you know what?...it lay still throughout the photo session, not even a small nudge when my lens was only 1 cm away from it's head, even with flash on it wont budge. And some Harry Potter's fantasy crossed my mind...what if this little dude was really a man, zapped by an evil witch and turned into this small stupid baby lizard?!?!?
There's only one way to find out, I need to see if it can understand me...
"Sorry bro, I don't do hocus pocus, better find someone else to help", and I swear that I saw it jaws dropped and it eyes blinked twice before it turn it's back on me and ran off...poor guy...he must have pissed off his witch girlfriend.
kynya akibat kebanyakan baca buku + nonton film nih ...??
yup...gw yakin bayi cicak itu kebanyakan nonton harry potter...jadi ngarepin gw nyulap dia jadi orang...ck..ck..ck..
ur story is getting unnecessarily creepy hihihihi
itu namanya bagaimana membuat simple things menjadi interesting...we need that a lot...hidup uda susah pi :p
gian emang simple thing aja can be treasured tp definitely bukan cicak!
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