Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Braindead Festival
Must have been a real knock in the head, gw dateng ke kantor dg rambut acak2an lupa nyisir. Ga pernah kejadian seumur-umur. Untung yg liat cuma tukang parkir, bbrp supir, satpam...krn gw lsg ke kamar mandi, basahin rambut dikit dan nyisir ala tarzan pake jari...it's braindead festival...caused by a bunch of idiotics morons.
Monday, July 30, 2007
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Man, Soccer and Beers
"Cowo tu harus suka bola, kalo cowo ga suka bola brarti aneh", tats what my friend (a she) told me when we had a conversation a couple of weeks ago. Dan ga cuma dia, gw rasa banyak yg masih punya anggapan klise seperti itu. Kasian bgt kalo gw pikir, pemikiran klise yg dibentuk sejak ratusan tahun yg lalu....Well HEYYYY....reality check guys, we're living in 2007, 21st century where soccer is not the only sport arround. I my self is a race addict (cars only), I love nascars, WRC, WTCC, DTM and offcourse, F1 grand prix, those are 21st century sports where man and machines combined. Yet....many thinks if I dun dig soccer...I'm not man enough?!?!?! Ada yg argumen kalo balapan sih cm gitu2 aja, bosen, gian, ga macho......ga macho gimana?!? Driving in 300kmh and enduring 3x G-force for an hour is not macho?!? Even an F-16 pilots can only endure those kind of G-force in 15mnts max in a dogfight. It's just a matter of choice, I chose 21st century, Hi adrenaline and Hi speed sport rather than a century old soccer game, I chose to learn how to put my car in slipstream and slingshot forward rather than how to shake the ball, it's my choice and I think it's a choice to be respected.
Another example is today, I had a conv with my best friend, she told me that one of her kolig won't drink even when they were all out all nite drinking. She said, wats the point of hanging out with friends who drinks when he's not even drinks beer?!? I said, he chose to be with his friend, sharing the good times, without boost, wats wrong with it? It's his choice, he values the good companies, not the beers. I used to hang out with junkies....but I don't do drugs, they are loyal and good friends, I like them and they don't even bother when I do Vitamin C and not the "pills".
It's 21st century when all the options are available, people are free to make their choice and sud be respected.
Bukannya "perbedaan" yang makes life more interesting?
Thursday, July 12, 2007
U2 moment
It was close to midnight...the street of Jakarta was beautiful, after having a long tiring
day...and tyres day (see prev post)...dealing with crapy client...the
song STAY by U2 gives a sooting sensation, played it over and over and
over till I reached home...thanks god I closed the day with great
food, great companions, and superb song...yeah...I'm having my U2
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Double Flat Tyres?!?
Huh!?!? Cud it be worse?!? Pas didepan TVRI ban belakang kiri gw mengeluarkan bunyi2 aneh, darn....I got flat one!!! Gw paksain mpe turun jembatan dikit biar agak landai, parked my car dan untungnya ada tukang ban deket situ, dia bantuin ganti ben serep gw. Gw sempet kepikiran skalian aja tambal bannya tp krn gw males nunggu ya gw langsung cabut, ga sampe 2 km dari tempat itu....I got another flat...dan itu ban serepnya.....MY GOD!!!!!!!! Wat the hell is wrong with my tyre?!?! Double flat in less than 15 mnts?!?! Tats gotta be a record....paling bete pas gw telp perusahan leasing gw, dia punya service emergency 24 jam, tp dengan berbagai alasan dia ga mo bantu, dia bilang kalo ban bocor bukan emergency, pelanggan harus bisa atasi sendiri, well....dickhead...it won't be an emergency if I still have spare tyre....akhirnya dia mau kirim ban serep, tapi dengan catatan mohon nunggu dan bisa ga cari angkot terus cari tukang tambal ban?!?! Gw jawab, "bisa ga tau saya bicara dengan siapa supaya saya bisa tulis email resmi ke perusahaan bapak bagaimana servise OR*X ke saya?" Akhirnya tanpa ba bi bu lagi dia janji jalan secepatnya.....tapi....dah sejam nih, kok blom nongol juga mereka?!?!
Saturday, July 07, 2007
They're cute eh?
Yeap those little cars might not transformed into hitech robot but they might turn into something else someday. Here's the thing, my company has been giving out this cars as a symbolic of Engine of Growth, it's the thing to recognize your achievement or "good deeds" in the company. Ntar tiap 6 bln diadain lelang, these cars will act as the "money", so the more u have, the richer u are, and the bigger ur chance to win the bid. Yang di lelang dari happy "dugem" hours ampe grand prize nya seperti PS3...wow...uhuh I heard that...but there's a catch...sigh, kalo lo menang bid grand prize, u get to choose between three envelops, one of them is the grand prize, others? well...still worthed tapi ga semahal grand prize. I won last years grand prize, black iPod Nano 8gigs....SOLD...wakakak....i dun like iPod anyway....hihihihi...wonder what next grand prize is?!?!? hmmmm....triple the sallary?!?!? hihihihi
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Broadband Develops
Internet...dulu cuma mimpi punya internet pribadi dirumah...hell I didn't even noe how to use IRC back in Highschool, now look at me, I can't even live a day without internet...and I need it to be broadband...sigh...manusia, ga pernah puas. So here's how my broadband develops
say hello to home internet, inget temen gw yg namanya Aip punya internet di rumah, kalo ga salah dia pake salah satu ISP lokal di bandung. Waktu lebaran dia pulang kampung ke Prembun (di jawa tengah), trus dia minjemin modemnya sama user/password ISPnya, masih ada sisa dari paket 30jam/bln. kecepatan kurang dari 64kbps/8kBps tapi gw dah hepi banget.
ProNet hadir di bandung, masih dialup 63kpbs, paket 45rb u/ 10 jam internet...soalnya masih memperhitungkan pulsa telpon rumah....10 jam?!?!? yeah sure
back to ProNet, this time with unlimited package 82rb/month...hell yeah...disaster for my phone bill.
Internet go mobile...yahoooooooooooooo....I got my N-Gage and a GPRS connection, masi mahal sih, tapi mayan bisa chat di YM pake agile trus cek friendster. waktu itu 30rp/KB
Blackberry era has come, I got my first blackberry handheld with 24-7 internet connection, not free thou, but wat the hell, the company paid all the bills anyway...hihihi
Sobat gw di singapore bener2 nyebelin...she always brag about how fast her connection was, how cheap it was dan betapa dia hobi donlod film dari youtube...sucks...akhirnya gw ga tahan dan pake Speedy...wow...512kbps bowk, keren...330rb/750Megs trus nambah jadi 1 gig, tapi masa kejayaan speedy ga berlangsung lama...kecepatan makin turun sampe kadang dibawah dialup
So long speedy...I'm moving to XL-Centrin unlimited 300rb/bln. cuma dapet 100kbps sih, tapi mayan dibanding dialup and it's mobile....hmmm...cuma sebulan dan gw ga puas...hihihi...back to broadband again...but WIRELESS...thanks to telkomsel flash now I have 3.2Mbps for 40hours/month with only 200k to pay...but...I'm still thinkin about that unlimited package from myGPRS...hmmm...we'll c
hihihi...memang panjang perjuangan gw buat konek ke internet