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Ga tau sapa yg mulai, tp console mungil keluaran Nintendo ini lg bikin orang orang sekitar gw ketagihan. Gmn ga, gamenya kreatif smua, pake touch screen ma voice control, bs online pake wifi gratis, bayangin lo dirmh ato di mall maen mbil chatting ma jutaan pemilik NDS di dunia, win games and u earn points, with tat u earn ur reps in online world. Tapi gw jadi dicuekin ma bini, lagi nyante ngopi2 dia malah tanding masak di NDS...hiks...btw, udah 2 orang temen gw yg beli NDS gara2 gw racunin, gw juga diracunin temen...wong niatan awal mo beli Nintendo Wii malah ga jadi
Alone in my hotel room and I was on the last page of World of Warcraft:Cycle of Hatred. I really need to find a new readings to kill time, and that when I remembered seeing a book nearby, just down the street about ten minutes walk. So there I was, standing in front the book self browsing for anything worthy. I wasnt looking for anything perticular, just something fun to read. Had my eyes for Tom Clancy's Bear ant The Dragon, but the book is 15 cm thick. Then I considered Mario Puzo's Godfather, but I watched the trilogy three times, remember every scenes. Tired and hungry I decided to given up the hunt, but just when I walked pass the last shelf, I saw this book, The Complete Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. It has all the fifty-seven stories, hardcover, imported, and cost me only Rp. 75rb. (36rb for the soft cover version). I know it might sounds corny, I mean, who wud want to read Sherlock Holmes these days? That dude was history, dinosours age, he still using that old magnifying glass, no spectro, no DNA matching, just following his huntch and logic. Well, that the beaty of it. I'm a big fan of CSI series, but they solved most cases with mere hitech solution, where's the fun? Besides, I really want to know about this guy. I know him as a detective icon for ages, but never really read the book. So, I hope he's as good as the legend says or else I know why they're selling it this cheap
Bukannya gw takut naek garuda ke jogja gara2 ada yg kebakar, tp emang dah planning dr mg lalu ke jogja naek kreta. Sayang jg sih gw jd ga dapet milage di freq flyer gw. Its just tat i can rest for a while kalo pake kreta. Ga kek pake pesawat yg smua kesannya in rush. O iya, about the tittle pake dutdutdut bukan tuttuttut krn every now and then pasti kecium bau busuk...bused...smua org pada masuk angin ya?!
This is how kids play with their dinosours these days...they just get smarter and smarter
No pass to Java Jazz? No worries...ada bejibun makanan di Gasibu. Batagor riri, warung lela, reds dipo, rujak cingur sedati surabaya, rawon setan, and many more. Jadi ga nyesel kan ga ntn java jazz? Ummm...nyeseel, palagi festival jajanan ini cm bagus iklannya. Uda ngantri nya aja biadab, trus makanan ya itu2 aja, di hari biasapun banyak...well at least i got a story this weekend...bummer